

Caller ID

Identify unknown numbers, spam or companies calling before picking up! See the true identity of each incoming call anywhere in the world - landline, mobile or pre-paid!

Truecaller’s Caller ID will identify any number - domestic or international. There is no need to panic when you get an unknown number calling, as Truecaller will automatically detect the name of the person calling, their location, if they are a spammer, and more!

Know Who is Calling

When an unknown caller calls you, Truecaller's Caller ID will not just identify their name. Truecaller will also show you, where possible, the location of the caller, whether they are a business or not and a profile picture. With our advanced machine learning technology, we can even tell you whether it is likely an important call, or if it’s someone you might know.

True Colors for Caller ID
Depending on the type of call, Truecaller’s Caller ID will flash different colors!

Blue shows a standard call. 

Red is for a scammer.

Purple is a priority call. 

Green is for calls from Verified Businesses.

KEY 🔑 


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